Cheng-Jun Wang

Cheng-Jun Wang is currently an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University. He is also the director of Computational Communication Collaboratory. He is leading the Socrates Lab which is a small team composed of doctoral, master, and undergraduate students who are keen on computational social science. His research on computational communication appears in both SSCI and SCI indexed journals, such as Internet Research, Cyberpsychology, Telematics and Informatics, Scientific Reports, PloS ONE, and Physica A.

Contact Information

  • Computational Communication Collaboratory, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University.
  • 307 Zijin Building, Nanjing University (Xianlin Campus), 163 Xianlin Road, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China (210023).
  • Email: wangchj04 at
  • Website:
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-9507-2888


  • Ph.D, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Department of Media and Communication (September, 2010-November, 2014).
    • Dissertation: Jumping over Network Threshold: Information Diffusion on Information Sharing Websites (pdf). Supervised by Jonathan J.H. Zhu
  • M.A., Peking University, Beijing, China. Department of Journalism and Communication (September, 2008-June, 2010).
  • B.A., Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China. Department of Journalism and Communication (September, 2006-June, 2008).
  • Academic Visiting, Australia National University,Canberra, Australia. Australian Demographic & Social Research Institute.
    • Supervised by Robert Ackland. (February-June, 2012).

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University (December 2017-Present).
  • Director, Socrates Lab, Computational Communication Collaboratory, Nanjing University (January 2015-Present).
  • Assistant Research Fellow, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University (November 2014-July 2017).
  • Research Memember, Web Mining Lab, City University of Hong Kong (September 2010-Present).
  • Research Memember, Laboratory of Data Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Innovation, Nanjing University (September 2022-Present).
  • Internship, Knowledge Discovery Group, Tencent Company (March-September 2014).

Research Projects

  1. 数字媒体时代中国故事和中国声音的计算叙事研究,国家社会科学基金一般项目(项目编号 22BXW032,20万元),2022/10-2025/12,主持
  2. 人工智能时代的计算叙事研究,南京大学新时代文科卓越研究计划“中长期研究专项”(项目编号 14914211),2022/01-2024/12,主持
  3. 《大数据挖掘与分析》教学改革,教育部产学合作协同育人项目(项目编号 202002235005,¥50000),2021/01-2022/06, 主持
  4. 人工智能时代数字媒体上的注意力流动研究,江苏省社会科学基金基地项目,(项目编号 19JD001,¥50000),2020/01-2021/12,主持
  5. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant number 011014370119),2020/01-2020/12
    • 人工智能时代的计算传播研究,南京大学青年跨学科团队项目,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目编号 011014370119,¥100000),主持
  6. 互联网上的集体注意力流研究,国家自然科学基金(常规面上项目),61673070,2017/01-2020/12,¥655200, 参与
  7. The Network Threshold of the Formation and Diffusion of Public Opinion. The National Social Science Foundation of China (¥200’000, 15CXW017)
    • 媒体融合背景下舆论形成与扩散的网络门槛研究,国家社会科学基金青年项目 (项目编号 15CXW017,20万元),2015/07-2018/12,主持
  8. Bringing Back the Reference Group: Agent-based Modeling of Spiral of Silence. National postdoc grant (¥50000, 2015M571722)
    • 找回失落的参考群体:对“沉默的螺旋”进行多主体建模,中国博士后科学基金面上项目(第57批),2015/01-2018/01, 5万元,主持

Working Paper

  1. Cheng-Jun Wang, Lihan Yan, Haochuan Cui * (2022). Unpacking the Essential Tension of Knowledge Recombination: Analyzing the Impact of Knowledge Spanning on Citation Counts and Disruptive Innovation. In Submission.
  2. Xinzhi Zhang, Zepeng Gou, Youqing Wu, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) Yesterday Once More: Collective Storytelling Constitutes the Success of Digital Cultural Products on Music Streaming Platforms. In Submission.
  3. Haochuan Cui, Tiewei Li *, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022). Moving Up the Ladder of Abstraction: How to Span the Boundaries of Knowledge Space in the Online Knowledge Market?. Under Review.
  4. 卢林艳、李玉端、王成军 * (2022) 人工智能时代媒体行业的技能与未来就业:基于机器学习和网络分析. In Press. 新闻大学.

Work in Process

  1. Cheng-Jun Wang * (2017). Leveraging the Flow of Collective Attention for Computational Communication Research. Work in progress.
  2. Yaotian Zhang, Keke Shang, and Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) The Impact of Category Spanning on Economic Revenue in the Digital Marketplace: Analyzing the NFT Trade Network. In the process of data analysis.
  3. Shengchun Huang, Zhuo Chen *, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) Weaving Behavioral Cocoons in Modern Life: Understanding Social Acceleration with Word Embeddings. In Writing.
  4. Gongjing Lu, Yaotian Zhang, Yixiao Sun, Cheng-Jun Wang (2022) Traversing the Valley of Despair: Online Donation on Sina Weibo during Covid-19. In Writing.
  5. Linyan Lu and Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) From social acceleration to behavioral cocoon: The impact of digital media use on social acceleration, behavioral cocoon, and mental health. In Writing the Chinese Version.
  6. Yuanyuan Li and Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) Network Agenda setting and Risk Perception During a Major Public Health Emergency. In Writing the Chinese Version.
  7. Yunjie Fei and Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) Narrative Economics of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the United States from 2007 to 2009. In Writing the Chinese Version.
  8. Yiwei Ni and Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) Narrative Economics of Weibo Hot Search from 2019 to 2021. In Writing the Chinese Version.
  9. Shunjie Zhang, Cheng-Jun Wang *, and Haiyan Zhou * (2022) The resurgence of class narratives: The production and reproduction of the “capitalist” discourse on the Chinese Internet. In preparation.

Journal Articles

* denotes corresponding author

  1. Zhang Y., Feng M., Shang K.K. *, Ran Y., Wang C.J. * (2022) Peeking strategy for Online News Diffusion Prediction via Machine Learning. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.598:127357. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2022.127357.
  2. Wang C.J. * , Zhu, J.J.H.(2021) Jumping over the Network Threshold of Information Diffusion: Testing the Threshold Hypothesis of Social Influence. Internet Research. 31(5):1677-1694 doi:10.1108/INTR-08-2019-0313
  3. Yan X.F., Wang C.J. * (2021) With Greater Popularity Comes Less Responsibility: The Popularity Fallacy of Big Vs’ Public Participation on Sina Weibo. Chinese Journal of Communication. 14(4):430-450. doi:10.1080/17544750.2021.1915833
  4. Wen N, Chao N *, Wang C.J. (2021) Predicting the Intention of Sustainable Commuting among Chinese Commuters: The Role of Media and Morality, Environmental Communication. 15(3):401-417 doi: 10.1080/17524032.2020.1855222
  5. Meng F., Sun H., Xie J., Wang C.J., Wu, J., Hu Y. * (2021) Preference for Number of Friends in Online Social Networks. Future Internet. 13(9): 236. doi:10.3390/fi13090236.
  6. Xu H, Zhang Z, Wu L *, Wang C.J. * (2019) The Cinderella Complex: Word embeddings reveal gender stereotypes in movies and books. PLoS ONE. 14(11): e0225385. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225385
  7. Wang C.J. * , Zhu, J.J.H.(2019) Jumping onto the Bandwagon of Collective Gatekeepers: Testing the Bandwagon Effect of Information Diffusion on Social News Website, Telematics and Informatics. 41:34-45, doi:10.1016/j.tele.2019.03.001
  8. Jiang C.L *, Yang M, Wang C.J. (2017) Self-Disclosure to Parents in Emerging Adulthood: Examining the Roles of Perceived Parental Responsiveness and Separation-Individuation. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 34(4): 425-445. doi: 10.1177 /0265407516640603
  9. Wang C.J., Wu L. *, Zhang, J., Janssen, M. (2016) The Collective Direction of Attention Diffusion. Scientific Reports. 6: 34059. doi:10.1038/srep34059
  10. Wu L., Wang C.J. * (2016) Tracing the Attention of Moving Citizens. Scientific Reports. 6, 33103. doi: 10.1038/srep33103
  11. Wang C.J., Wu L. *(2016) The Scaling of Attention Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 448:196–204, doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2015.12.081
  12. Chandra Y. *, Jiang, C.L., Wang C.J. (2016) Mining Social Entrepreneurship Strategies Using Topic Modeling, PLOS ONE. 11(3):e0151342, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151342
  13. Wang C.J. *, Wang P.P., Zhu J.J.H. (2013). Discussing Occupy Wall Street on Twitter: Longitudinal network analysis of equality, emotion, and stability of public discussion. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 16(9): 679-685. doi:10.1089/cyber.2012.0409. [SSCI, Ranking 4/72 in Communication by 5-year IF].
  14. 陈志聪、周钰、巢乃鹏、 王成军 * (2022)社会加速与传播游戏之间的张力:移动阅读的碎片化、多样性与持续性.《新闻与传播研究》.(10):17-33.
  15. 苟泽鹏,董 悦,闫一帆, 王成军 * (2021) 数据科学的浪潮:计算社会科学研究综述. 科学经济社会. 39(163):1-16.
  16. 王成军 * (2021) 寻找公众注意力爆发的起源:以YouTube视频扩散为例. 东岳论丛. 320(02):142-153.
  17. 王成军 *(2021)反思计算社会科学的逻辑:基于拉图尔的“计算中心”概念. 南京社会科学. 402(04):122-131.
  18. 卢功靖, 卢林艳, 李媛媛, 王成军 *(2021)基于议题类型的临近预测:使用社交媒体预测新冠确诊人数. 中国网络传播研究. 20:93-117.
  19. 卢林艳, 李媛媛, 卢功靖, 刘熠, 王成军 * (2021) 社交机器人驱动的计算宣传:社交机器人识别及其行为特征分析. 中国传媒大学学报(自然科学版).28 (02):34-43+53. Data & Code.
  20. 王成军,党明辉,杜骏飞 (2019) 找回失落的参考群体:对沉默的螺旋理论的边界条件的考察. 新闻大学. 156:13-29. (入选人大复印资料新闻与传播2019年第8期)Data & Code, Netlogo Web.
  21. 王成军 (2017).计算社会科学视野下的新闻学研究:挑战与机遇. 新闻大学. 4:26-32. (入选人大复印资料新闻与传播2017年第10期)
  22. 杜骏飞, 曲飞帆, 王成军(2016)2015年中国新闻传播学论著评析. 新闻与传播研究.12:108-119.
  23. 张晓雨,王成军 *(2016)数据可视化报道在数据新闻中的实践——以《卫报》和财新网为例.中国网络传播研究.(01):283-308.
  24. 陈志聪,秦强,王成军 *(2016)作为社会动员过程的互联网众筹公益——以腾讯乐捐为例.中国网络传播研究.(01):173-190.
  25. 王成军 (2016) 大数据计算与《纸牌屋》生成. 传媒评论. 5:63-66.
  26. 王成军 (2016) 计算传播学的起源、概念与应用. 编辑学刊. 3:59-64.
  27. 王成军(2015)计算传播学: 作为计算社会科学的传播学.中国网络传播研究. 8:193-208.
  28. 王成军(2015)“今日头条”的技术逻辑: 网络爬虫+矩阵筛选.传媒评论.10:34-37.
  29. 祝建华,彭泰权,梁海,王成军,秦洁,陈鹤鑫 (2014) 计算社会科学在新闻传播研究中的应用. 科研信息化技术与应用. 5 (2), 3-13
  30. 王成军,刘德寰,杨旭 (2011) 从自我实现到群体互动——“人肉搜索”的动机、态度和行为研究,中国传媒报告.10(02):63-73.
  31. 王成军,刘德寰 (2011) 移動的時尚: 追求時尚與手機互聯網的使用,香港《传媒透视》. (07):12-15.
  32. 王成军,张昕之 (2011) “众说纷纭”抑或“一言九鼎”?——以卡扎菲官邸攻陷事件在新浪微博上的信息扩散为例,香港《传媒透视》. (09):12-13.

Books, Book Chapters, Translations


  1. 王成军(2022)《跨越网络的门槛:社交媒体上的信息扩散》. 北京:科学出版社. Github Repository & References.
  2. 王成军 (2019) 《计算传播学讲义》. Jupyter Book.
  3. 张伦、王成军、许小可(2018)《计算传播学导论》. 北京:北京师范大学出版社.
  4. 许小可、胡海波、张伦、王成军 (2015)《社交网络上的计算传播学》. 北京:高等教育出版社.

Book Chapters

  1. 王成军 (2022) 沉默的螺旋:多主体模型.周葆华(编)《大数据时代的计算舆论学:理论、方法与案例》.上海:复旦大学出版社. pp. 384-417.
  2. 張倫、彭泰權、王成軍、梁海、祝建華 (2021) 從邊陲到主流的自然路徑:華人計算傳播學者的參與和體驗. 《中華傳播研究的傳承與創新》.李立峯、黃煜(主編).香港:香港中文大学出版社.pp. 399-419.
  3. 王成军、吴令飞 (2017) 空间约束的人类行为. 胡泳、王俊秀(编)《连接之后: 公共空间重建与权力再分配》.北京:人民邮电出版社. pp. 262-271.

Book Translations

  1. 王薇、王成军、王颖、刘璟 (翻译)(2013). 《社会网络分析:方法与实践》. 北京:机械工业出版社. [Translation of the book Social Network Analysis for Startups: Finding connections on the Social Web., by Maksim Tsvetovat & Alexander Kouznetsov. (2011). O’Reilly Media]

Conference Papers

  1. Xinya Jiang, Sixing Hu, Yunjie Fei, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) The Reinforcement of Opinion Polarization on the Smart Media Platforms: Analyzing the News and Comments about Sino-US Relations on Toutiao. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). 11-15 July 2022, Beijing, China.
  2. Shengchun Huang, Zhuo Chen, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2022) Weaving the Behavioral Cocoon: Understanding the Impact of Social Acceleration with Word Embeddings, The hybrid 72nd Annual ICA Conference of International Communication Association (ICA). 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France.
  3. Xuefei Yan, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2020) With Greater Popularity Comes Less Responsibility? The Popularity Fallacy of Big Vs’ Public Participation on Sina Weibo. The 70th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA). 21-25 May 2020. Gold Coast, Australia.
  4. Huimin Xu, Zhicong Chen, Ruiqi Li, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2020) The geometry of information cocoon. The 6th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), July 17-20, Cambridge, MA USA.
  5. Zhi-Cong Chen, Lingfei Wu, Naipeng Chao, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2018) The Poor Read for Entertainment and the Rich Read for Education: Poverty, Fragmentation, and Knowledge Homogeneity. The 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (ic2s2), July 12–15, 2018. Evanston, Illinois, United States.
  6. Hui-Min Xu, Zhi-Cong Chen, Cheng-Jun Wang * (2018) Social Classes Shapes Our Trajectories in Both Online and Offline Space. The 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (ic2s2), July 12–15, 2018. Evanston, Illinois, United States.
  7. Wang, C.J. (2017) networkdiffusion: Simulating and Visualizing Network Diffusion Using R. The 10th China R Conference. Beijing, May 20-21. Slides.
  8. Wang, C.J. Zhang, X. (2017) Analyzing Mobile Phone Data With Network Science. The 67th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, USA, May 27, 2017.
  9. Wang, C.J. (2015). Information diffusion on Microblogs: Testing the threshold hypothesis of interpersonal effects. Conference on Complex System (CCS’15), Tempe, Arizona, USA. Sep 28-Oct 2.
  10. Wang, C.J., Chen, H.X., Zhang, X.(2015) The Landscape of Information Diffusion on Sina Weibo: Investigating the Rich-Club Effect. The 65th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May 2015.
  11. Lingfei Wu, Jiang Zhang, Marco Janssen, Cheng-Jun Wang, Min Zhao (2014). Attention Balls. The 6th International Conference on Social Informatics. Barcelona, 10-13 November 2014.
  12. Wang, C.J. (2014). The Origin of Bursts in Public Attention: The Temporality Hypothesis for the Diffusion of YouTube Videos. The 64th Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, Washington, USA. May 22-26.
  13. Wang, C.J, Chen, H.X (2013). Social selection or social influence: Network analysis of information flow within the Rich-club of Sina Weibo. The annual conference of International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Dublin, Ireland, June 25-29.
  14. Wang, C.J, Liu, J. (2013). Looking for the signposts on the web: Clickstream analysis of the flow of public attention. The 63rd Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK, June 17-21.
  15. Wang, P.P, Wang, C.J (2013). Rational information sharing or emotional expression in the online discussion: How does leadership spark conversations and trigger feedbacks. The 63rd Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK, June 17-21.
  16. Wang, C.J. (2012). The origin of Bursts in public attention: Peak fraction, popularity, diffusion channels, and categories of YouTube videos. Honours Symposium for Asian Ph.D Students in Communication Research, Seoul, Korea, Oct 27-28.
  17. Wang, C.J., Wang, P.P (2012). Discussing Occupying Wall Street on Twitter: Longitudinal network analysis of equality, emotion, and stability. The 65th Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Hong Kong, June 14-16.
  18. Wang, C.J., Peng, T.Q (2012). Evaluating public discussion of Occupying Wall Street on Twitter: Linking Twitter streams with search quires, opinion polls, media coverage, and stock market index. The 65th Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Hong Kong, June 14-16.
  19. Wang, C.J. (2012). Jumping over the network threshold: How widespread could news diffuse on news sharing websites? The 62nd Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Phonix, Arizona, May 24-28.
  20. Wang, C.J., Wang, P.P (2012). Does the unkown information matter for online daters. The 62nd Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA), Phonix, Arizona, May 24-28.
  21. Wu, L.F., Wang,C.J. (2011). Heterogeneity and allometric growth of human collaborative tagging behavior. The 7th Chinese Conference of Complex Networks (CCCN’11), Chengdu, China, October 21-24.
  22. Wang, C.J.(2011).The emergence of spiral of silence from individual behaviors: Agent-based modeling of the spiral of silence. The 64th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 21-23.
  23. Wang, C.J.(2011).Surfing mobile Internet motivated by fashion attentiveness: An empirical study of China mobile Internet use. International Telecommunications Society Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (ITS), Taibei, Taiwan, June 26-29.

Keynote Speech

  1. Wang, C.J. (2022) Computational Narrative. The 2nd Workshop on Computatinal Methods in Social Sciences & ICA Reginal Hubs. May 28, 2022. Hefei, China.
  2. Wang, C.J. (2021) Information Diffusion, Attention Flow, and Computational Narrative: Reflection on the Logic of Computational Social Science. The 1st Workshop on Computatinal Methods in Social Sciences & ICA Reginal Hubs. May 29, 2021. Hefei, China.


  1. Wang, C.J.(2014) Web Data Analysis. City University of Hong Kong, Department of Media and Communication. The Web Mining Workshop. 4.22-4.25
  2. Wang, C.J.(2013) The Way to Computational Communication (通往计算传播学之路). Department of Journalism and Communication, Shenzhen University. Jan 4th.
  3. Wang, C.J.(2012) Jumping over Network Threshold: News Diffusion on News Sharing Website. The seminar of IR and Friends. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia National University, Canberra. May 14.


I teach the following courses:

Professional affiliations

I served as a reviewer for

  • Internet Research
  • International Journal of Public Opinion Research (IJPOR)
  • Computers in Human Behavior (CHB)
  • Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
  • Communication Methods and Measures (CMM)
  • PloS ONE
  • The Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA).
  • 《新闻与传播研究》
  • 《新闻大学》
  • 《新闻记者》
  • 《傳播與社會學刊》

My professional affiliations include:

  1. Complex System Society (CSS)
  2. International Communication Association (ICA)
  3. World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
  4. International Telecommunications Society (ITS)
  5. International Conference of Computational Social Science (IC2S2)
    • I served as a Programme Commitee member
  6. 中国新闻史学会计算传播学专业委员会(CCRA)
    • I served as the Secretary General of CCRA from 2018 to 2020.


  1. Best paper Award of Asian Symposium of Doctoral Students in Communication (ASDSC), City university of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Nov, 2013)
  2. Best paper Award of 3rd Honours Symposium for Asian Ph.D Students in Communication Research, Yonsei university, Seoul, Korea (Oct, 2012)
  3. Research Tuition Scholarship (RTS, Oct, 2012- Aug, 2013)
  4. Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students (OAPA, Aug, 2012)
  5. Travel Grant from Interpersonal Communication Division of ICA 2012 (May, 2012)
  6. Top 3 Conference Paper Award of 2nd Honours Symposium for Asian Ph.D Students in Communication Research, Singapore (Nov, 2011)
  7. Outstanding Paper Award of 11th China Communication conference (Jun, 2010)
  8. P & G Award of China Market Research (Nov, 2009)
  9. Outstanding Paper Award of (Oct, 2009)
  10. Top Award of the Challenge Cup of Peking University (Jun, 2009)


  1. flownetwork, a Python package for flow network analysis.
  2. iching, a Python package that employs the Achillea millefolium method to practise divination of I Ching (易经的蓍草卜卦方法).
  3. networkdiffusion, a R package which can help simulate and visualize the network diffusion.

Download the resumé.


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